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Requested translations - ミハイル

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Source language
English Solidier 1: We've found Kifahian ...
Soldier 1: We've found Kifahian terrorists. Eliminate all of them.

Soldiers: Affirmative.
"Kifahian" is a name ethnic group,they are persecuted by military.
Solidier is men in this situation.

Completed translations
Hebrew השמדה
Source language
English Mother: Are you alright? Daughter: ...
Are you alright?

Daughter 1:
Sorry,mother. I tripped over a stone...

Son 1(Daniel):
Shit!! Military Cops!!!

Son 2(Shamus):
Run!! Mother! Big sister!!

Noooo! I don't wanna die!!
Don't kill meeee!

[Father was shot instead of his wife, his sons and daughters]



Daniel...Shamus...I...I entrust hers to you...!
Imagining a situation where they are running out of military cops,please translate their conversation according to their age,gender,and sex.
<edit> "miltary" with "military"</edit>

Daughter1:A girl with 17 years old
Daughter2:A girl with 25 years old
Daniel:A boy with 23 years old
Mother:A miss with about 40's years old
Father:A man with about 50's years old

Please could you leave a romanized version in the remarks field from the translation? Thanks!

Completed translations
Persian language مادر: خوبی؟ دختر 1:
180Source language180
Japanese Expressions used at work in a convenience store




 ありがとうございます またお越しくださいませ


Nice to meet you.
I am working in convinience store as part-time worker,so i certainly must serve forgien customers at register once or twice at work.
I try to serve them in english,I serve german customers,but many english words could not be out of my idea at that moment.

So i would like to learn expressions used in work in convinience store...

1.I scaned this merchadise twice by mistake...
could i scan it one more time to remove it?

2.Excuse me,I forgot to give the 50 yen discount for this. I'll do it over,really quickly.

3.Would you like the chopsticks in the※bag?
※The bag is plastic shopping bag in this context.

4.The bathroom is the beyond the siver door near the frozen food counter.

5.Your change is 290 yen.Thanks for coming...

6.Would you like the hot drink in a separate bag?

7.Would you like the detergent in a separate bag?

I must have served those who do not speak english at resiter.
I could not serve them(i think,chinese or korean?) very i thought i have to learn these phrases in chinese or korean because there are many people of chinese and korean in japan.
So could you,chinese and korean people help me?
If you can up-load how to pronunce it,i appreciate you.
(Please write in standard dialect with which people from any region,fujian,chang-hai,hong kong...Jeju-d,Anyan...can understand.)

Completed translations
English Working at a convenience store
Portuguese brazilian Trabalho na loja de conveniência
Source language
English Moshe Kadyrov,who is the leader of The Combat and...
Moshe Kadyrov,who is the leader of The Combat and Progress Party which won a 101 seats of the 200 seats,
banishing Between The Coexistence and Peace Party to second party in the Feburary election was requested
formation of his cabinet by President Bagdora ------,and Possibility of his being 18th prime minister of
Khazar confederation became clear...
This text will be used for my fiction story....

To tell the truth,I would like to request of translation and pronuncation(write in english) of The Combat and Progress,The Between Coexistence and Peace Party,and Platinna moutain(I want to give a family name to President Bagdora) ...but only translation of words cannot be requsted....

Completed translations
Hebrew משה קדאירוב, המנהיג של מפלגת...
Source language
Japanese 1.Quem 'tava com a ...
1.Quem 'tava com a carga!?は日本人の耳には「金玉買った!?」と聞こえてしまう。














1.Quem 'tava com a carga!? sounds like "You did buy 2 balls(cojones) !? " in ears of japanese people.

2.Doing something by mistake.

3.You've grown up a lot.

4.16 years-old Girls(getting angry and tired) said :They(Her bad friends) always decide plan without asking to us...! What a drag! We always go on errands for them.(Those fools always make us to go errands!)

5.That is no answer. or Your answer is not the answer to my question.

6.I think recently that fellow is getting carried away.

7.I didn't do it on purpose!
At 5:52,when this above subtitle appear,how did Jonathan say?

8.Be prudent a little.

Sorry,i can't translate any more in english.
I am poor at saying what i want to say in english.
so,it will be needed halp pf native english speaker who can speak and write very well.

Especiallu,No.4 can be free translation when you translate in portugues.

Completed translations
English Spoken Japanese phrases
Portuguese brazilian 1. Para um japonês, "Quem 'tava com a carga?!" soa...
Source language
English Phrases which will be used in situation related to military...
Captain is good to see you again...i thought i could not see you again...

Sofia:Me too...but i could see you again!!
I'm glad you are alive...

Solidier 01:Sir,we confirmed all enemy squads full retreated.

Captain Lima:Roger,arrange reconnaissance units quickly and find out nest of cucarachas. Don't let cucarachas see you,ok?
A reason why i asked these phrases was that i would like not only to traslate phrases used in fiction story which i am writing...but also to study words related to military...

I would like to explain situation of these sentence...because i am poor at composing only this sentence cannot transmit what i would like to say...

-Explanation of conversation 01-
1.Captain Alberto Lima Santos(if it is strage name for spanish...sorry) is male,about 25 years old...

His younger sister,Sofia is female,about 17 years old...

Please traslate their lines in a informal way.

-Explanation of Conversation 2-
1. Solidiers commanded by Captain Alberto Lima Santos fighted against bandits(which are strongly armed with guns,machineguns,rifles,flamethrowers,and blades etc...and are in large-scale organization...).
You call group of bandits "Squads" or "Units" ?

2.Lima is a captain who command paramilitary defense force of spain shelter.(After world collapse,shelters were constructed for protecting survivors in all of the world...)

Paramilitary organization where he belongs has a scale of about 80 mens...

That organization can be called Force in English?
And,teams which that organization organised in state of emergency can be called "Units" or "Squal" in english?

I would like you traslators of spanish to traslate in [b]europian spanish[/b].

Completed translations
Spanish Los devenires del Capitán Lima
Source language
English 1.I would like to take this opportunity to thank...
1.I would like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

2.Most readers and contributors consist of teens and people in their 20s.

3.As far as my eyes reach,nothing was to be seen but the sky and the sea...

4.Do you mind if i take a day off tomorrow?

5.If it had not for the heavy snow,the express bus must have left on time.

6.Could you tell me how far it is from the nearest station to central park?

7.I came here to get back money which you threaten and robbed from my classmate...

8.I want to pay my devoirs to my superiors...

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Quero aproveitar para lhe agradecer...
Source language
English Earth where everything is harmoniously unified...
Earth of where everything is harmoniously unified.
Everyone shall get the mission of receiving the Holy land in which there's no chasm, but equality, making it a prosperous Holy land for the eternity
Excuse me...i have no knowledge of understanding Hebrew amd Arabic...
But i admire them.

When translators do translations,please write which word is translated in english.

I think i may do a tall order to translators....
but i would like translator translate this sentence in mythological tone,languade and style.

For exemple,Seems like God is saying this sentence....

I am poor of writing my idea in english,so this sentence should be wrong gramatically.
If someone could correct my english for translators being able to translate easily,i would thank them.

What i would like to say in this sentence....
I write in japanese.


Completed translations
Hebrew עולם בו הכול מאוחד בהרמוניה
Arabic الأرض المقدسة
Source language
English However i remember her face many times...i...
However i remember her sexy face many times...i feel marvelous...
The man tell this line rememberning his favorite woman’s sexy face...

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Embora muitas vezes lembre do rosto ...
Source language
English You will open two accounts at the union de...
Officer of administration:
You will open two accounts at the union de Banques Suisse in Geneva...on Rue du Commerce.
Operational funds in one box,in the other your salary...which you don't take till the mission ends...when you get what accumulates..
Also,for each of your men,you open an account for their salary...
In the operational funds box...
we will deposit 250,000 American dollars!
You take it out,we put more in.
Bring me receipts!!! Your wife receives monthly 1000 dollars in her bank account.
Also,we leave messages in the box with the operational funds.
This conversation is from Munich(film).
Speakers talk in british-english because its scene is Israel where british-english is spoken.
Comparing in portuguese,british-english is compared as europian portuguse,so i asekd europian portuguse translation.

I have a question about grammer of this text.
I cannot understand the part When you get what accumulates. What will accumulate?
What means his salary in this context?

I submitted same text but now i cannot find it.
I did not receive any notification or message about deleting the text. If something problem occurs because of this text,please send message and ask for delete.

Completed translations
Portuguese Você irá abrir duas contas no banco de...
Source language
English I see the North.
I see the North.
I would like you,translator translate SEE THE NORTH in hebrew.

And please write what part is SEE,what part is north,how is pronunced...

Completed translations
Hebrew אני רואה את הצפון.
Source language
English You bit your tongue in the middle of a ...
You bit your tongue in the middle of a sentence
In japanese,we said this word "bite toungue" when someone make a fluff in the middle of a sentence.

I am japanese,so when i speak english.
I cannot make my toungue move well.

"She is young,but helps with housewaak...housewaak!? No,she helps with housework."
When making a fluff in pronounciation.

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Português
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